Feng Shui is a Chinese concept that’s used inside a home. Feng shui is a spatial arrangement that promotes harmony, order, and good luck. Feng Shui isn’t just for Chinese people. People all over the world follow these principles, not because of any religious beliefs or traditions, but to improve efficiency, balance, and environmental appeal in their spaces. Feng shui improves the “chi”, which is the life force, in a house.

How to Feng Shui your Living Room

Let Fresh Air in

Natural ventilation is a key element of feng-shui. Let the air flow through your space to circulate the energy, or “chi”, of your home. It increases oxygen levels and eliminates airborne bacteria from stagnant air.

Balance the Elements

Feng shui balance is Yin and Yang. It uses the ancient Chinese five elements system. These five elements are wood, metal, earth and water. Your living room will be transformed by metal vases, large wooden windows, fiery colors, and other elements that represent water.

Mirror The Walls

According to ancient Chinese beliefs, mirrors attract prosperity. It is important to think about the image it will reflect in your home when you place the mirror. The mirror should reflect beauty and not project images that are chaotic or overflowing with clutter. Mirrors should not be placed on top or near a sofa or chair, according to Chinese belief. Mirrors should reflect positive energy.

Get in touch with Nature

Feng shui is an element of nature. Although plants are not included on the list, they are part of nature that emit positive energy in a space. Plants can be used to represent your home’s “chi”. The positive energy that plants bring to your space will be maintained and purified by the air they breathe.

Layout wisely

Your space’s layout will have a significant impact on the flow of energy. The couch in your living room is the most important piece. It must be at the top of the list. The couch should have a clear view of your entrance without being directly in front. The entrance must also be kept clean.

Incorporate an art collection

The way you feel about a space can be influenced by its environment. Your living room should reflect a positive image that brings in positive energy. It should inspire, but not discourage. The artwork’s appearance will affect the mood of those who see it. A sculpture can be placed at the door to say goodbye or a welcome piece. Art will not only send messages but also enhance the space’s overall aesthetic.

Feng Shui, an ancient belief, is being practiced today. Feng Shui was originally a Chinese belief that had religious implications. However, it has been adapted to design and is now a useful design principle.