In this competitive era, user experience is the most important aspect every application must follow. While most internet users are using their mobiles to surf online, mobile applications must be able to deliver functions that are beneficial to users. Here are a few of the crucial application features users want this year:
Rich Experience
Mobile applications are downloaded for the purpose of gaining easy and convenient engagements. The richer the experience your users have, the more frequent they will utilise all your application features. UX is foremost the most important goal when creating an application. If it doesn’t deliver any ease of use, comfort, and function, your application will not gain any limelight. Have a look at the mobile app of Prompt Glass. This app can can easily calculate how much would cost you to replace glass in any area of Perth metro – it calculates delivery time and how long the job with take (this is based on a window size).

Safe and Smooth Checkout
For shopping platforms, the faster, easier, and safer your checkout is, the better. Users don’t have time to navigate and look for the right button when they want to checkout or add information and other products to their cart. If you are to design a complicated checkout, your users will tend to lose their patience and look for other companies that deliver the convenience they want.
Personalized Experience
It is all about the modified experience. The more modifiable your application is the better it is for your users. Automation is one of the crucial aspects of applications that gather data about consumer online behaviour while on your site, their number of clicks, and how long do they engage in your application. Being able to know how your consumers’ behaviour, you will gain better insight on what and how to improve areas that fall short on personalisation.
Ease of Use
If your app has amazing features but is easy to use, your users will tend to love and use it all the time. They will depend on your app regarding their daily needs. Simplicity and ease of use are vital factors users look for in an application. Designing an outright mobile application that delivers what it is intended to deliver with such simple steps, your application will be able to deliver a great user experience.
Smooth Navigation

Buffers are users’ enemies. If your application is not as prompt and organised, your users will lose interest. On the brighter note, designing an application that comes easy with navigation and seamless exploration of your application features will give your audience the best experience while using your app. It is best to minimise clicks and actions on mobiles given that these actions don’t work the same when your user is using a laptop.
User experience is the most important element every business must cover if they want success in their respective industries. Creating an application is more than just choosing colours, adding features, and incorporating important functions. Mobile applications must bring your users what they want according to their online behaviour and checklists of how an application should be. Your users’ preference is what is more important than creating an application that is just merely aesthetically appealing.