In this world full of harmful materials diminishing the health of our planet, recycling is one way to help reduce waste. Every year, the fashion industry contributes to 10% of global carbon emissions. If you constantly buy new wardrobes, you are also adding up to the waste that harms the environment.
Keeping your wardrobes in pristine condition is not only cost-efficient and you get to make use of every dollar you spent for it but also helps to save the planet. There are ways for you to revamp your old clothes and keep them in good condition. Hence, save your money for that restaurant you have been wanting to try instead of purchasing a new sweater because your old one is looking fuzzy.

How to make clothes last longer?
Get Creative With Iron-On Patches
Putting patches on stains or a little bit of tear on your favourite jeans or shirt will not only give your apparel a fresh look but also save you money from buying a new one. Iron-on patches are easy to stick onto your favourite jeans while looking stylishly creative.
When choosing a patch, it must be quite bigger than the tear or stain on your clothing. If you want to go all-out creative, there are countless quirky-designed patches sold; some even come in bulk. Hence, iron-on patches are one of the easiest crafty ways of repairing your apparels.
Refrain From Constantly Washing Your Jeans
Of course, if you wash your jeans every after you use it, it will gradually fade. Also, it decreases its quality making it more vulnerable to wear and tear. If your jeans did not accumulate that much heinous dirt while you were wearing it, might as well hang it. It will save you the effort of washing it and save your jeans from losing its pristine quality. On top of that, you get to keep its original shade of which probably the reason why you bought it in the first place.
Dish Soap For Your Stained Sneakers
Experts claim that dish soap is very effective in taking out sneaker’s grimes. Apart from restoring that fresh white colour of your shoes, it will also help in thoroughly cleaning every inch of dirt stuck in your sneaker.

Dish soap creates a light foam when lathered and is an excellent way to deeply penetrate stubborn stains on your favourite white shoes.
A small amount of dish detergent is enough to eradicate those annoying grimes. Mix it in w cup of water and stir it until it becomes frothy. With a damp sponge or toothbrush, gently rub it onto your shoes.
Tie-Dye Your Stained White Shirts
Tie-dyeing is not only fun but also a great way to refresh your favourite comfortable whites. There are many tie-dye tutorial videos you can make use online. Also, there are countless tie-dye patterns you can choose from.

Hence, for your next no-plans-weekend, order that One-Step-Tie-Dye Kit you saw online and get dyeing. You whites will be pleased to have a new colourful start.
Unshrink Your Fave Blouse
Through time, certain fabrics shrink due to continuous use and washing. Thus, sometimes you wonder how come this cute top used to fit you perfectly but now you can barely insert your head in it. On a brighter note, you can reverse it!
Fill your sink or tub with lukewarm water and put a tablespoon of fabric softener, shampoo or detergent. It is crucial that the detergent or fabric softener dissolves completely. Soak your garment into the mixture for thirty minutes. After, mildly stretch it and rinse with cold water.
A Haircut For Your Fuzzy Sweaters
It’s annoying to look at your cardigans flaunting a sea of crazy snags; makes you think it’s time to buy a new one. However, no; don’t toss it to the trash. A sweater shaver is your best option in eradicating those annoying fuzziness. Hence, if you have a lot of sweaters, invest in sweater shaver and you will have to buy new sweaters no more.

Revamping apparels must be practised by every individual. It is important for us to act now before it’s too late saving our planet. A simple act of recycling old clothes can lead to something positive; something that can alter the face of the world. Plus, you get to save money on clothes! So top that!